

Half Stomach Eating

DID YOU KNOW It takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive a signal from stomach that you are full.

This is why Ayurveda & Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes on less & light eating. Ayurveda says, one should stop eating when 70%-80% full & keep 1/4 parts of stomach empty always. Generally brain gets the signal of fullness after 20 minutes, which is very late, because already by that time we have over eaten.

What are the facts & how these signals process working:

When you are eating, after little bit of food processing body absorbs glucose from foods, therefore glucose & insulin level increases. Further, intestine releases cholecystokinin hormone & leptin hormone releases from fat cells which notify the brain about the required energy, nutrients & satiety (fullness signal to stop eating). Neurotransmitter dopamine provides good feeling after eating.

Eating too fast, not chewing foods, eating while watching TV etc. do not give enough time to these hormones to working properly & communication with brain. It is always advisable to give your meals 20-30 minutes time, chew well, eat slowly, avoid reading news paper while eating, avoid phone calls etc.

Over eating always results to indigestion, stomach disorder, workload on spleen-pancreas-stomach, weight gain etc.

However eating slowly is not a fix for this issue for everyone. If you are obese then your hormones are unresponsive & in such cases brain is unable to receive signal from leptin about satiety, pleasure etc. You are always prone to “MUST EAT”.

So, read this article twice or thrice & make a habit to chew foods well, keep your stomach empty 70%-80%, eat slowly.

#Reduce #Workload #Spleen #Stomach #Pancreas

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Dr. M. A. Chaudhary